ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Disambig この記事はthe engrams in the Primitive Plus DLCについてです。the engrams in the vanilla gameについては、Engramsを参照してください。 the engrams in ARK: Survival Evolved Mobileについては、Engrams (Mobile)を参照してください。
Primitive Plus DLC This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Primitive Plus
Steam Xbox One PS This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation.

概要[ | ]

Engramは、プレーヤーがロックを解除できる永続的なクラフトレシピであり、ARK: Survival EvolvedのDLCPrimitive+ではプレイヤーの進歩と進歩の手段となります。設計図(クラフトレシピへのアクセスを可能にする略奪可能なアイテム)とは異なり、エングラムは略奪できず、プレイヤーの死後も存続し、Weightやインベントリスペースを占有しません。 レベルアップとEP(エングラムポイント)の使用によりエングラムのロックが解除されると、武器、装備、衣服などのさまざまなアイテムを作成できます。 合計ですべてのエングラムのロックを解除するには5958エングラムポイントが必要です。プレイヤーは99レベル(v.Beta1)で3144エングラムポイントしか獲得できないため、すべてのエングラムを自分でロック解除することはできません。

プリミティブプラスDLCでアンロックするエングラム一覧[ | ]


Name LevelEPPrerequisite(s)
CampfireCampfire 2 3
SpearSpear 2 3
Stone HatchetStone Hatchet 2 3
Cloth BootsCloth Boots 3 3
Cloth GlovesCloth Gloves 3 3
Cloth HatCloth Hat 3 3
Cloth PantsCloth Pants 3 3
Cloth ShirtCloth Shirt 3 2
WaterskinWaterskin 3 6
Wooden ClubWooden Club 3 4
Wooden SignWooden Sign 3 3
Hide Sleeping BagHide Sleeping Bag 4 3
Sloped Thatch RoofSloped Thatch Roof 4 3 Thatch RoofThatch Roof
Storage BoxStorage Box 4 6
Thatch CeilingThatch Ceiling 4 3
Thatch DoorThatch Door 4 3 Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe
Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe 4 3
Thatch FoundationThatch Foundation 4 3
Thatch WallThatch Wall 4 3
Phiomia SaddlePhiomia Saddle 5 6
Pitchfork (Primitive Plus)Pitchfork Primitive Plus Icon 5 3
SlingshotSlingshot 5 6
Sloped Thatch Wall LeftSloped Thatch Wall Left 5 6 Thatch WallThatch Wall
Sloped Thatch Wall RightSloped Thatch Wall Right 5 6 Thatch WallThatch Wall
Small Stone Fence (Primitive Plus)Small Stone Fence Primitive Plus Icon 5 3
Wooden BillboardWooden Billboard 5 4 Wooden SignWooden Sign
Wood Post Fence (Primitive Plus)Wood Post Fence Primitive Plus Icon 5 6 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Blood Extraction SyringeBlood Extraction Syringe 6 6 WaterskinWaterskin
Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle 6 6
NarcoticNarcotic 6 6
SparkpowderSparkpowder 6 3
Simple BedSimple Bed 7 8 Hide Sleeping BagHide Sleeping Bag
Single Panel FlagSingle Panel Flag 7 6
Standing TorchStanding Torch 7 6
SpyglassSpyglass 7 7
Wooden Arrow Sign (Primitive Plus)Wooden Arrow Sign Primitive Plus Icon 7 5
CompassCompass 8 6
Cooking PotCooking Pot 8 6 CampfireCampfire
Multi-Panel FlagMulti-Panel Flag 8 6
Stone Hunting KnifeStone Hunting Knife 8 6 Stone HatchetStone Hatchet
BolaBola 9 8
PaintbrushPaintbrush 9 3
Parasaur SaddleParasaur Saddle 9 9
Storage Barrel (Primitive Plus)Storage Barrel Primitive Plus Icon 9 5
Training DummyTraining Dummy 9 8
Big Stone FenceBig Stone Fence 10 6
BowBow 10 11 SlingshotSlingshot
Carbonemys SaddleCarbonemys Saddle 10 12
Covered Wooden Cabinet (Primitive Plus)Covered Wooden Cabinet Primitive Plus Icon 10 1 Wooden Cabinet (Primitive Plus)Wooden Cabinet Primitive Plus Icon
Lumber (Primitive Plus)Lumber Primitive Plus Icon 10 3
Lumber Station (Primitive Plus)Lumber Station Primitive Plus Icon 10 10
Lumber Wall (Primitive Plus)Lumber Wall Primitive Plus Icon 10 7 Thatch WallThatch Wall
Preserving Campfire (Primitive Plus)Preserving Campfire Primitive Plus Icon 10 8 CampfireCampfire
Small Crop PlotSmall Crop Plot 10 10
Stone ArrowStone Arrow 10 2
Wooden Cabinet (Primitive Plus)Wooden Cabinet Primitive Plus Icon 10 7 Storage BoxStorage Box
StimulantStimulant 11 6
Fish Trap (Primitive Plus)Fish Trap Primitive Plus Icon 11 10 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Wooden WallWooden Wall
Fish Bait (Primitive Plus)Fish Bait Primitive Plus Icon 11 2 Fish Trap (Primitive Plus)Fish Trap Primitive Plus Icon
Deadfall Trap (Primitive Plus)Deadfall Trap Primitive Plus Icon 11 10
Trap Bait (Primitive Plus)Trap Bait Primitive Plus Icon 11 2 Deadfall Trap (Primitive Plus)Deadfall Trap Primitive Plus Icon
Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling 11 7 Thatch RoofThatch Roof
Wooden DoorWooden Door 11 6 Thatch DoorThatch Door
Wooden DoorframeWooden Doorframe
Wooden DoorframeWooden Doorframe 11 7 Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe
Wooden WallWooden Wall
Wooden Fence FoundationWooden Fence Foundation 11 6 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation 11 6 Thatch FoundationThatch Foundation
Wooden WallWooden Wall 11 7 Thatch WallThatch Wall
Big Fence - Opening (Primitive Plus)Big Fence - Opening Primitive Plus Icon 12 6
Big Fence - Post (Primitive Plus)Big Fence - Post Primitive Plus Icon 12 6
Big Fence - Section (Primitive Plus)Big Fence - Section Primitive Plus Icon 12 6
Sloped Wood Wall LeftSloped Wood Wall Left 12 6 Wooden WallWooden Wall
Sloped Thatch Wall LeftSloped Thatch Wall Left
Sloped Wood Wall RightSloped Wood Wall Right 12 6 Wooden WallWooden Wall
Sloped Thatch Wall RightSloped Thatch Wall Right
Wooden CageWooden Cage 12 10 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Wooden WallWooden Wall
Wooden PillarWooden Pillar 12 7 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Wooden RampWooden Ramp 12 3 Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Wooden ShieldWooden Shield 12 10
Cementing PasteCementing Paste 13 3
Ichthyosaurus SaddleIchthyosaurus Saddle 13 8
WardrumsWardrums 13 16
Wooden HatchframeWooden Hatchframe 13 7 Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Wooden LadderWooden Ladder 13 4
Wooden Spike WallWooden Spike Wall 13 4
Wooden StaircaseWooden Staircase 14 10
Pachy SaddlePachy Saddle 14 9
Sloped Wooden RoofSloped Wooden Roof 14 6 Sloped Thatch RoofSloped Thatch Roof
Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Trophy Wall-MountTrophy Wall-Mount 14 20 Wooden Wall SignWooden Wall Sign
Wooden CatwalkWooden Catwalk 14 8 Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Wooden RailingWooden Railing 14 8 Wooden WallWooden Wall
Wooden StaircaseWooden Staircase 14 10 Thatch WallThatch Wall
Wooden WindowWooden Window 14 6 Wooden WindowframeWooden Windowframe
Wooden WindowframeWooden Windowframe 14 9 Wooden WallWooden Wall
Candle (Primitive Plus)Candle Primitive Plus Icon 15 3
Compost BinCompost Bin 15 6 Storage BoxStorage Box
Flare GunFlare Gun 15 6 GunpowderGunpowder
GunpowderGunpowder 15 3 SparkpowderSparkpowder
Hide BootsHide Boots 15 7 Cloth BootsCloth Boots
Hide GlovesHide Gloves 15 7 Cloth GlovesCloth Gloves
Hide HatHide Hat 15 9 Cloth HatCloth Hat
Hide PantsHide Pants 15 9 Cloth PantsCloth Pants
Hide ShirtHide Shirt 15 6 Cloth ShirtCloth Shirt
Obsidian Spear (Primitive Plus)Obsidian Spear Primitive Plus Icon 15 12
Wood Handrail (Primitive Plus)Wood Handrail Primitive Plus Icon 15 7 Wood Post Fence (Primitive Plus)Wood Post Fence Primitive Plus Icon
Basic GravestoneBasic Gravestone 16 10
Bug RepellantBug Repellant 16 12
Large Storage BoxLarge Storage Box 16 9 Storage BoxStorage Box
Rope LadderRope Ladder 16 10
Trike SaddleTrike Saddle 16 10
Wooden RaftWooden Raft 16 11
Lumber Ceiling (Primitive Plus)Lumber Ceiling Primitive Plus Icon 17 6 Thatch CeilingThatch Ceiling
Lumber Door (Primitive Plus)Lumber Door Primitive Plus Icon 17 6 Thatch DoorThatch Door
Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe
Lumber Doorframe (Primitive Plus)Lumber Doorframe Primitive Plus Icon 17 6 Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe
Wooden WallWooden Wall
Lumber Foundation (Primitive Plus)Lumber Foundation Primitive Plus Icon 17 6 Thatch FoundationThatch Foundation
Lumber Glass Wall (Primitive Plus)Lumber Glass Wall Primitive Plus Icon 17 6 Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe
Wooden WallWooden Wall
Lumber Windowframe (Primitive Plus)Lumber Windowframe Primitive Plus Icon 17 9 Wooden WallWooden Wall
Sloped Lumber Roof (Primitive Plus)Sloped Lumber Roof Primitive Plus Icon 17 4 Sloped Thatch RoofSloped Thatch Roof
Stone Irrigation Pipe - InclinedStone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined 17 3 Stone Irrigation Pipe - StraightStone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Stone Irrigation Pipe - IntakeStone Irrigation Pipe - Intake 17 5
Stone Irrigation Pipe - IntersectionStone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection 17 5 Stone Irrigation Pipe - StraightStone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Stone Irrigation Pipe - StraightStone Irrigation Pipe - Straight 17 2 Stone Irrigation Pipe - IntakeStone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
Stone Irrigation Pipe - TapStone Irrigation Pipe - Tap 17 5 Stone Irrigation Pipe - IntakeStone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
Stone Irrigation Pipe - VerticalStone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical 17 3
Water ReservoirWater Reservoir 17 7 Cementing PasteCementing Paste
Dinosaur GateDinosaur Gate 18 5 Dinosaur GatewayDinosaur Gateway
Dinosaur GatewayDinosaur Gateway 18 7 Wooden DoorframeWooden Doorframe
Feeding TroughFeeding Trough 18 12
Fishing RodFishing Rod 18 15 BowBow
Left-Sloped Lumber Wall (Primitive Plus)Left-Sloped Lumber Wall Primitive Plus Icon 18 3
Lumber Glass Ceiling (Primitive Plus)Lumber Glass Ceiling Primitive Plus Icon 18 6 Thatch CeilingThatch Ceiling
Lumber Ramp (Primitive Plus)Lumber Ramp Primitive Plus Icon 18 3 Thatch CeilingThatch Ceiling
Lumber Window (Primitive Plus)Lumber Window Primitive Plus Icon 18 20 Wooden WindowframeWooden Windowframe
Raptor SaddleRaptor Saddle 18 9
Reinforced Glass Door (Primitive Plus)Reinforced Glass Door Primitive Plus Icon 18 6 Thatch DoorThatch Door
Wooden DoorframeWooden Doorframe
Right-Sloped Lumber Wall (Primitive Plus)Right-Sloped Lumber Wall Primitive Plus Icon 18 3
Sloped Glass Roof (Primitive Plus)Sloped Glass Roof Primitive Plus Icon 18 4 Sloped Thatch RoofSloped Thatch Roof
Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
BookshelfBookshelf 19 15 Large Storage BoxLarge Storage Box
Lumber Bench (Primitive Plus)Lumber Bench Primitive Plus Icon 19 6
Lumber Chair (Primitive Plus)Lumber Chair Primitive Plus Icon 19 6
Painting CanvasPainting Canvas 19 2 Wooden Wall SignWooden Wall Sign
Sloped Lumber Glass Wall Left (Primitive Plus)Sloped Lumber Glass Wall Left Primitive Plus Icon 19 3
Sloped Lumber Glass Wall Right (Primitive Plus)Sloped Lumber Glass Wall Right Primitive Plus Icon 19 3
Wooden BenchWooden Bench 19 6 Wooden ChairWooden Chair
APS Mailbox (Primitive Plus)APS Mailbox Primitive Plus Icon 20 3
Ceiling Lamp (Primitive Plus)Ceiling Lamp Primitive Plus Icon 20 4
Equus SaddleEquus Saddle 20 22
Feathered Stone Arrow (Primitive Plus)Feathered Stone Arrow Primitive Plus Icon 20 5
Lesser AntidoteLesser Antidote 20 20
Lumber Dinosaur Gate (Primitive Plus)Lumber Dinosaur Gate Primitive Plus Icon 20 16 Dinosaur GateDinosaur Gate
Lumber Dinosaur Gateway (Primitive Plus)Lumber Dinosaur Gateway Primitive Plus Icon 20 7 Dinosaur GatewayDinosaur Gateway
Lumber Glass Doorframe (Primitive Plus)Lumber Glass Doorframe Primitive Plus Icon 20 6 Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe
Wooden WallWooden Wall
Lumber Glass Windowframe (Primitive Plus)Lumber Glass Windowframe Primitive Plus Icon 20 6 Thatch DoorframeThatch Doorframe
Wooden WallWooden Wall
Obsidian Arrow (Primitive Plus)Obsidian Arrow Primitive Plus Icon 20 8 Stone ArrowStone Arrow
Refining ForgeRefining Forge 20 16 CampfireCampfire
Weapon Rack (Primitive Plus)Weapon Rack Primitive Plus Icon 20 3
Wooden TrapdoorWooden Trapdoor 20 6 Wooden HatchframeWooden Hatchframe
Weapon Rack (Primitive Plus)Weapon Rack Primitive Plus Icon 20 3
Big Campfire (Primitive Plus)Big Campfire Primitive Plus Icon 21 6 CampfireCampfire
Lumber Table (Primitive Plus)Lumber Table Primitive Plus Icon 21 3
ScissorsScissors 21 15
Table Lantern (Primitive Plus)Table Lantern Primitive Plus Icon 21 3 Modular Table (Primitive Plus)Modular Table Primitive Plus Icon
Tranq ArrowTranq Arrow 21 8 Stone ArrowStone Arrow
Wall TorchWall Torch 21 10 Standing TorchStanding Torch
Wooden Wall SignWooden Wall Sign 21 6
ParachuteParachute 22 6
Simple Hammock (Primitive Plus)Simple Hammock Primitive Plus Icon 22 5 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Tripwire Alarm TrapTripwire Alarm Trap 22 7
Fur BootsFur Boots 23 16 Hide BootsHide Boots
Fur CapFur Cap 23 16 Hide HatHide Hat
Fur ChestpieceFur Chestpiece 23 16 Hide ShirtHide Shirt
Fur GauntletsFur Gauntlets 23 16 Hide GlovesHide Gloves
Fur LeggingsFur Leggings 23 16 Hide PantsHide Pants
Procoptodon SaddleProcoptodon Saddle 23 50
Reinforced Wooden DoorReinforced Wooden Door 24 4 Wooden DoorWooden Door
Stone DoorframeStone Doorframe
Stone CeilingStone Ceiling 24 8 Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Stone DoorframeStone Doorframe 24 8 Wooden DoorframeWooden Doorframe
Stone WallStone Wall
Stone FoundationStone Foundation 24 8 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Stone RailingStone Railing 24 14 Wooden RailingWooden Railing
Stone WallStone Wall
Stone WallStone Wall 24 8 Wooden WallWooden Wall
Artifact PedastalArtifact Pedastal 25 10
Beelzebufo SaddleBeelzebufo Saddle 25 20
Bread Dough (Primitive Plus)Bread Dough Primitive Plus Icon 25 2 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Cooking Station (Primitive Plus)Cooking Station Primitive Plus Icon 25 5
Corn Starch (Primitive Plus)Corn Starch Primitive Plus Icon 25 2 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
Construction Table (Primitive Plus)Construction Table Primitive Plus Icon 25 16
CrossbowCrossbow 25 9 BowBow
Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon 25 8 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Hyaenodon MeatpackHyaenodon Meatpack 25 25
Iron Hatchet (Primitive Plus)Iron Hatchet Primitive Plus Icon 25 8 Stone HatchetStone Hatchet
Iron Pick (Primitive Plus)Iron Pick Primitive Plus Icon 25 8
Magnifying GlassMagnifying Glass 25 16
Organic Oil (Primitive Plus)Organic Oil Primitive Plus Icon 25 10
PikePike 25 12 SpearSpear
Pulmonoscorpius SaddlePulmonoscorpius Saddle 25 12
Sack of Flour (Primitive Plus)Sack of Flour Primitive Plus Icon 25 3 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
Salt (Primitive Plus)Salt Primitive Plus Icon 25 2 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
SmithySmithy 25 16
Stone Fence FoundationStone Fence Foundation 25 6 Wooden Fence FoundationWooden Fence Foundation
Stone PillarStone Pillar 25 8 Stone FoundationStone Foundation
Wooden PillarWooden Pillar
Cake Batter (Primitive Plus)Cake Batter Primitive Plus Icon 26 2 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Ground Cashew (Primitive Plus)Ground Cashew Primitive Plus Icon 26 2 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
Ground Soybean (Primitive Plus)Ground Soybean Primitive Plus Icon 26 2 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
Icing (Primitive Plus)Icing Primitive Plus Icon 26 2 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
Medium Crop PlotMedium Crop Plot 26 12 Small Crop PlotSmall Crop Plot
Preserving BinPreserving Bin 26 9 Storage BoxStorage Box
Reinforced TrapdoorReinforced Trapdoor 26 10 Stone HatchframeStone Hatchframe
Wooden TrapdoorWooden Trapdoor
Reinforced WindowReinforced Window 26 8 Stone WindowframeStone Windowframe
Wooden WindowWooden Window
Stego SaddleStego Saddle 26 15
Stone HatchframeStone Hatchframe 26 6 Stone CeilingStone Ceiling
Wooden HatchframeWooden Hatchframe
Stone WindowframeStone Windowframe 26 11 Stone WallStone Wall
Wooden WindowframeWooden Windowframe
Water JarWater Jar 26 12 WaterskinWaterskin
Pachyrhinosaurus SaddlePachyrhinosaurus Saddle 27 25
Pizza Dough (Primitive Plus)Pizza Dough Primitive Plus Icon 27 2 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Reinforced Dinosaur GateReinforced Dinosaur Gate 27 6 Dinosaur GateDinosaur Gate
Stone Dinosaur GatewayStone Dinosaur Gateway
Sloped Stone RoofSloped Stone Roof 27 6 Sloped Wooden RoofSloped Wooden Roof
Stone CeilingStone Ceiling
Sloped Stone Wall LeftSloped Stone Wall Left 27 6 Sloped Wood Wall LeftSloped Wood Wall Left
Stone WallStone Wall
Sloped Stone Wall RightSloped Stone Wall Right 27 6 Sloped Wood Wall RightSloped Wood Wall Right
Stone WallStone Wall
Stone Dinosaur GatewayStone Dinosaur Gateway 27 9 Stone DoorframeStone Doorframe
Dinosaur GatewayDinosaur Gateway
Tomato Sauce (Primitive Plus)Tomato Sauce Primitive Plus Icon 27 2 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
Bear TrapBear Trap 28 9 SmithySmithy
Big Bonfire (Primitive Plus)Big Bonfire Primitive Plus Icon 28 6 CampfireCampfire
Bonemeal Fertilizer (Primitive Plus)Bonemeal Fertilizer Primitive Plus Icon 28 10 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
HandcuffsHandcuffs 28 25
Manta SaddleManta Saddle 28 50
Pancake Batter (Primitive Plus)Pancake Batter Primitive Plus Icon 28 2 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Stone StaircaseStone Staircase 28 15 Wooden StaircaseWooden Staircase
Ballista TurretBallista Turret 29 40
Biscuit Batter (Primitive Plus)Biscuit Batter Primitive Plus Icon 29 2 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Metal Spike WallMetal Spike Wall 29 15 Wooden Spike WallWooden Spike Wall
Modular Table (Primitive Plus)Modular Table Primitive Plus Icon 29 3
Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade 29 18 SparkpowderSparkpowder
Spear BoltSpear Bolt 29 30
Tripwire Narcotic TrapTripwire Narcotic Trap 29 9
Brazier (Primitive Plus)Brazier Primitive Plus Icon 30 5
Clay (Primitive Plus)Clay Primitive Plus Icon 30 5
Cookie Dough (Primitive Plus)Cookie Dough Primitive Plus Icon 30 2 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Flame Arrow (Primitive Plus)Flame Arrow Primitive Plus Icon 30 10 Stone ArrowStone Arrow
Giant Reinforced TrapdoorGiant Reinforced Trapdoor 30 20 Giant Stone HatchframeGiant Stone Hatchframe
Giant Stone HatchframeGiant Stone Hatchframe 30 20 Stone HatchframeStone Hatchframe
Iguanodon SaddleIguanodon Saddle 30 12
Industrial Grill (Primitive Plus)Industrial Grill Primitive Plus Icon 30 60 CampfireCampfire
Megaloceros SaddleMegaloceros Saddle 30 30
Metal Machete (Primitive Plus)Metal Machete Primitive Plus Icon 30 25
Metal SickleMetal Sickle 30 12 Metal HatchetMetal Hatchet
Metal PickMetal Pick
ToiletToilet 30 12 Stone Irrigation Pipe - StraightStone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Stone Irrigation Pipe - TapStone Irrigation Pipe - Tap
Behemoth Reinforced Dinosaur GateBehemoth Reinforced Dinosaur Gate 31 12 Reinforced Dinosaur GateReinforced Dinosaur Gate
Behemoth Stone Dinosaur GatewayBehemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway
Behemoth Stone Dinosaur GatewayBehemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway 31 12 Stone Dinosaur GatewayStone Dinosaur Gateway
Catapult TurretCatapult Turret 31 30 Ballista TurretBallista Turret
Large Bear TrapLarge Bear Trap 31 12 Bear TrapBear Trap
Mammoth SaddleMammoth Saddle 31 18
Diplodocus SaddleDiplodocus Saddle 32 35
LanceLance 32 50 PikePike
Market Stall (Primitive Plus)Market Stall Primitive Plus Icon 32 8
Tanning Rack (Primitive Plus)Tanning Rack Primitive Plus Icon 32 15
Teepee (Primitive Plus)Teepee Primitive Plus Icon 32 10 Simple BedSimple Bed
Trading Crate (Primitive Plus)Trading Crate Primitive Plus Icon 32 25 Market Stall (Primitive Plus)Market Stall Primitive Plus Icon
Trading Crate (Bread) (Primitive Plus)Trading Crate (Bread) Primitive Plus Icon 32 25 Market Stall (Primitive Plus)Market Stall Primitive Plus Icon
Trading Crate (Eggs) (Primitive Plus)Trading Crate (Eggs) Primitive Plus Icon 32 25 Market Stall (Primitive Plus)Market Stall Primitive Plus Icon
Trading Crate (Fruits Veggies) (Primitive Plus)Trading Crate (Fruits Veggies) Primitive Plus Icon 32 25 Market Stall (Primitive Plus)Market Stall Primitive Plus Icon
Ghillie BootsGhillie Boots 33 11 Hide BootsHide Boots
Ghillie ChestpieceGhillie Chestpiece 33 11 Hide ShirtHide Shirt
Ghillie GauntletsGhillie Gauntlets 33 11 Hide GlovesHide Gloves
Ghillie LeggingsGhillie Leggings 33 11 Hide PantsHide Pants
Ghillie MaskGhillie Mask 33 11 Hide HatHide Hat
Terror Bird SaddleTerror Bird Saddle 33 15
Wooden Tree PlatformWooden Tree Platform 33 50 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Cannon BallCannon Ball 34 5
Doedicurus SaddleDoedicurus Saddle 34 12
Firewood Holder (Primitive Plus)Firewood Holder Primitive Plus Icon 34 2 Storage BoxStorage Box
Fresh Firewood (Primitive Plus)Fresh Firewood Primitive Plus Icon 34 2 Construction Table (Primitive Plus)Construction Table Primitive Plus Icon
CannonCannon 34 50 Catapult TurretCatapult Turret
Simple BulletSimple Bullet 34 6 GunpowderGunpowder
Bakers Oven (Primitive Plus)Bakers Oven Primitive Plus Icon 35 10 Cooking Station (Primitive Plus)Cooking Station Primitive Plus Icon
Cauldron (Primitive Plus)Cauldron Primitive Plus Icon 35 25 Cooking PotCooking Pot
Cement Mixer (Primitive Plus)Cement Mixer Primitive Plus Icon 35 8
Dinghy (Primitive Plus)Dinghy Primitive Plus Icon 35 20
Fresh Cement (Primitive Plus)Fresh Cement Primitive Plus Icon 35 2
Miners Box (Primitive Plus)Miners Box Primitive Plus Icon 35 10 Construction Table (Primitive Plus)Construction Table Primitive Plus Icon
Modern Grill (Primitive Plus)Modern Grill Primitive Plus Icon 35 30 CampfireCampfire
Pteranodon SaddlePteranodon Saddle 35 15
Re-FertilizerRe-Fertilizer 35 20
Simple Rifle AmmoSimple Rifle Ammo 35 6 GunpowderGunpowder
Smokehouse (Primitive Plus)Smokehouse Primitive Plus Icon 35 15
Wood Storage Shed (Primitive Plus)Wood Storage Shed Primitive Plus Icon 35 25
Ankylo SaddleAnkylo Saddle 36 18
Large Crop PlotLarge Crop Plot 36 15 Medium Crop PlotMedium Crop Plot
Tree Sap TapTree Sap Tap 36 40 Cementing PasteCementing Paste
Chitin BootsChitin Boots 37 14 Hide BootsHide Boots
Chitin ChestpieceChitin Chestpiece 37 13 Hide ShirtHide Shirt
Chitin GauntletsChitin Gauntlets 37 15 Hide GlovesHide Gloves
Chitin HelmetChitin Helmet 37 16 Hide HatHide Hat
Chitin LeggingsChitin Leggings 37 13 Hide PantsHide Pants
Sabertooth SaddleSabertooth Saddle 37 20
Modern Hanging Shelf (Primitive Plus)Modern Hanging Shelf Primitive Plus Icon 38 3 Large Storage BoxLarge Storage Box
Modern Storage Shelf (Primitive Plus)Modern Storage Shelf Primitive Plus Icon 38 10 Large Storage BoxLarge Storage Box
Sarco SaddleSarco Saddle 38 15
Iron Shield (Primitive Plus)Iron Shield Primitive Plus Icon 39 30 Wooden ShieldWooden Shield
Kaprosuchus SaddleKaprosuchus Saddle 39 40
Amarberry Juice (Primitive Plus)Amarberry Juice Primitive Plus Icon 40 1
Azulberry Juice (Primitive Plus)Azulberry Juice Primitive Plus Icon 40 1
Araneo SaddleAraneo Saddle 40 24
Fruit Press (Primitive Plus)Fruit Press Primitive Plus Icon 40 4
Grape Juice (Primitive Plus)Grape Juice Primitive Plus Icon 40 4 Fruit Press (Primitive Plus)Fruit Press Primitive Plus Icon
Megatherium SaddleMegatherium Saddle 40 35
Mejoberry Juice (Primitive Plus)Mejoberry Juice Primitive Plus Icon 40 1
Metal Hammer (Primitive Plus)Metal Hammer Primitive Plus Icon 40 25
Metal Irrigation Pipe - InclinedMetal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined 40 12 Stone Irrigation Pipe - InclinedStone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined
Metal Irrigation Pipe - StraightMetal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Metal Irrigation Pipe - IntakeMetal Irrigation Pipe - Intake 40 15 Stone Irrigation Pipe - IntakeStone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
Metal Irrigation Pipe - IntersectionMetal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection 40 18 Stone Irrigation Pipe - IntersectionStone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection
Metal Irrigation Pipe - StraightMetal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Metal Irrigation Pipe - StraightMetal Irrigation Pipe - Straight 40 12 Stone Irrigation Pipe - StraightStone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Metal Irrigation Pipe - IntakeMetal Irrigation Pipe - Intake
Metal Irrigation Pipe - TapMetal Irrigation Pipe - Tap 40 18 Stone Irrigation Pipe - TapStone Irrigation Pipe - Tap
Metal Irrigation Pipe - StraightMetal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Metal Irrigation Pipe - VerticalMetal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical 40 12 Stone Irrigation Pipe - VerticalStone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical
Metal Irrigation Pipe - StraightMetal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
Obsidian Pickaxe (Primitive Plus)Obsidian Pickaxe Primitive Plus Icon 40 25
Steel Pillar (Primitive Plus)Steel Pillar Primitive Plus Icon 40 4 Stone PillarStone Pillar
Stimbull Juice (Primitive Plus)Stimbull Juice Primitive Plus Icon 40 5
Stone FireplaceStone Fireplace 40 30 CampfireCampfire
Stone WallStone Wall
SwordSword 40 30 Wooden ClubWooden Club
Tomato Juice (Primitive Plus)Tomato Juice Primitive Plus Icon 40 5
Tintoberry Juice (Primitive Plus)Tintoberry Juice Primitive Plus Icon 40 1
Water Well (Primitive Plus)Water Well Primitive Plus Icon 40 30 Water ReservoirWater Reservoir
Well Bucket (Primitive Plus)Well Bucket Primitive Plus Icon 40 2 Water Well (Primitive Plus)Water Well Primitive Plus Icon
Well Rope (Primitive Plus)Well Rope Primitive Plus Icon 40 2 Water Well (Primitive Plus)Water Well Primitive Plus Icon
Paracer SaddleParacer Saddle 41 18
Tudor Bar (Primitive Plus)Tudor Bar Primitive Plus Icon 41 10
Tudor Bar (L Shaped) (Primitive Plus)Tudor Bar (L Shaped) Primitive Plus Icon 41 4 Tudor Bar (Primitive Plus)Tudor Bar Primitive Plus Icon
Chalicotherium SaddleChalicotherium Saddle 42 50
Greenhouse CeilingGreenhouse Ceiling 42 30 Stone CeilingStone Ceiling
Greenhouse WallGreenhouse Wall 42 30 Stone WallStone Wall
Steel Handrail (Primitive Plus)Steel Handrail Primitive Plus Icon 42 7 Wood Handrail (Primitive Plus)Wood Handrail Primitive Plus Icon
Windmill (Primitive Plus)Windmill Primitive Plus Icon 42 15
Greenhouse DoorGreenhouse Door 43 15 Stone DoorframeStone Doorframe
Greenhouse DoorframeGreenhouse Doorframe 43 15 Stone DoorframeStone Doorframe
Pelagornis SaddlePelagornis Saddle 43 40
Dunkleosteus SaddleDunkleosteus Saddle 44 40
Greenhouse WindowGreenhouse Window 44 15 Reinforced WindowReinforced Window
Sloped Greenhouse RoofSloped Greenhouse Roof 44 30 Sloped Stone RoofSloped Stone Roof
Sloped Greenhouse Wall LeftSloped Greenhouse Wall Left 44 15 Stone WallStone Wall
Sloped Greenhouse Wall RightSloped Greenhouse Wall Right 44 15 Stone WallStone Wall
Brick Ceiling (Primitive Plus)Brick Ceiling Primitive Plus Icon 45 6 Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Brick Doorframe (Primitive Plus)Brick Doorframe Primitive Plus Icon 45 6 Wooden DoorframeWooden Doorframe
Brick Foundation (Primitive Plus)Brick Foundation Primitive Plus Icon 45 6 Wooden FoundationWooden Foundation
Brick Wall (Primitive Plus)Brick Wall Primitive Plus Icon 45 8 Wooden WallWooden Wall
Brick Windowframe (Primitive Plus)Brick Windowframe Primitive Plus Icon 45 11 Wooden WindowframeWooden Windowframe
Cigarette (Primitive Plus)Cigarette Primitive Plus Icon 45 15
Cup of Malt (Primitive Plus)Cup of Malt Primitive Plus Icon 45 10 Cauldron (Primitive Plus)Cauldron Primitive Plus Icon
Dire Bear SaddleDire Bear Saddle 45 30
Grindstone (Primitive Plus)Grindstone Primitive Plus Icon 45 8 Mortar and PestleMortar and Pestle
Reinforced Glass Window (Primitive Plus)Reinforced Glass Window Primitive Plus Icon 45 6 Wooden WindowframeWooden Windowframe
Carno SaddleCarno Saddle 46 20
Brick Pillar (Primitive Plus)Brick Pillar Primitive Plus Icon 46 8 Stone PillarStone Pillar
Brick Ramp (Primitive Plus)Brick Ramp Primitive Plus Icon 46 3 Wooden CeilingWooden Ceiling
Longbow (Primitive Plus)Longbow Primitive Plus Icon 46 25
Pontoon Bridge (Primitive Plus)Pontoon Bridge Primitive Plus Icon 46 6 Stone CeilingStone Ceiling
Sloped Brick Roof (Primitive Plus)Sloped Brick Roof Primitive Plus Icon 46 4 Sloped Wooden RoofSloped Wooden Roof
Sloped Brick Wall Left (Primitive Plus)Sloped Brick Wall Left Primitive Plus Icon 46 4 Sloped Wood Wall LeftSloped Wood Wall Left
Sloped Brick Wall Right (Primitive Plus)Sloped Brick Wall Right Primitive Plus Icon 46 4 Sloped Wood Wall RightSloped Wood Wall Right
Grappling HookGrappling Hook 47 70 Stone ArrowStone Arrow
Megalodon SaddleMegalodon Saddle 47 20
Yurt (Primitive Plus)Yurt Primitive Plus Icon 47 15 Simple BedSimple Bed
Baryonyx SaddleBaryonyx Saddle 49 50
BattleAxe (Primitive Plus)BattleAxe Primitive Plus Icon 50 20
CanteenCanteen 50 24 Water JarWater Jar
Fermenting Barrel (Primitive Plus)Fermenting Barrel Primitive Plus Icon 50 50
Gallimimus SaddleGallimimus Saddle 50 50
Paracer Platform SaddleParacer Platform Saddle 50 35 Paracer SaddleParacer Saddle
Steel Water Tower (Primitive Plus)Steel Water Tower Primitive Plus Icon 50 20 Water ReservoirWater Reservoir
Chain BolaChain Bola 51 60 BolaBola
RadioRadio 51 8
Thylacoleo SaddleThylacoleo Saddle 51 18
War MapWar Map 51 24
Brick Dinosaur Gate (Primitive Plus)Brick Dinosaur Gate Primitive Plus Icon 52 16 Dinosaur GateDinosaur Gate
Brick Dinosaur Gateway (Primitive Plus)Brick Dinosaur Gateway Primitive Plus Icon 52 7 Dinosaur GatewayDinosaur Gateway
Viking Axe (Primitive Plus)Viking Axe Primitive Plus Icon 52 20 SwordSword
Barrel of Gunpowder (Primitive Plus)Barrel of Gunpowder Primitive Plus Icon 53 20 GunpowderGunpowder
Storage Barrel (Primitive Plus)Storage Barrel Primitive Plus Icon
Woolly Rhino SaddleWoolly Rhino Saddle 53 50
Arthropluera SaddleArthropluera Saddle 54 80
Flintlock Pistol (Primitive Plus)Flintlock Pistol Primitive Plus Icon 54 25
Bronto SaddleBronto Saddle 55 21
Tapejara SaddleTapejara Saddle 55 21
Iron Boots (Primitive Plus)Iron Boots Primitive Plus Icon 56 16 Chitin BootsChitin Boots
Iron Chestpiece (Primitive Plus)Iron Chestpiece Primitive Plus Icon 56 18 Chitin ChestpieceChitin Chestpiece
Iron Gauntlets (Primitive Plus)Iron Gauntlets Primitive Plus Icon 56 16 Chitin GauntletsChitin Gauntlets
Iron Helmet (Primitive Plus)Iron Helmet Primitive Plus Icon 56 20 Chitin HelmetChitin Helmet
Iron Leggings (Primitive Plus)Iron Leggings Primitive Plus Icon 56 15 Chitin LeggingsChitin Leggings
Megalosaurus SaddleMegalosaurus Saddle 57 70
Oil Tank (Primitive Plus)Oil Tank Primitive Plus Icon 57 5
Daeodon SaddleDaeodon Saddle 59 24
Basilosaurus SaddleBasilosaurus Saddle 60 35
Musket (Primitive Plus)Musket Primitive Plus Icon 60 35 Flare GunFlare Gun
Castoroides SaddleCastoroides Saddle 61 60
Argentavis SaddleArgentavis Saddle 62 20
Steel Safebox (Primitive Plus)Steel Safebox Primitive Plus Icon 62 15 Large Storage BoxLarge Storage Box
Plesiosaur SaddlePlesiosaur Saddle 64 40
Harpoon LauncherHarpoon Launcher 65 50 Longneck RifleLongneck Rifle
Ballista TurretBallista Turret
Recurve Bow (Primitive Plus)Recurve Bow Primitive Plus Icon 65 35
Allosaurus SaddleAllosaurus Saddle 67 50
Therizinosaurus SaddleTherizinosaurus Saddle 69 45
Advanced Workbench (Primitive Plus)Advanced Workbench Primitive Plus Icon 70 35 SmithySmithy
Bronto Platform SaddleBronto Platform Saddle 70 35
Yutyrannus SaddleYutyrannus Saddle 70 65
Spino SaddleSpino Saddle 71 40
Rex SaddleRex Saddle 74 40
Sticky Bomb (Primitive Plus)Sticky Bomb Primitive Plus Icon 75 45
Tranq Spear BoltTranq Spear Bolt 75 50 Spear BoltSpear Bolt
Tranquilizer DartTranquilizer Dart
Quetz Platform SaddleQuetz Platform Saddle 76 80 Quetz SaddleQuetz Saddle
Quetz SaddleQuetz Saddle 76 50
Mosasaurus SaddleMosasaurus Saddle 78 65
Steel Locker (Primitive Plus)Steel Locker Primitive Plus Icon 82 40 Large Storage BoxLarge Storage Box
CameraCamera 85 75 SpyglassSpyglass
Magnifying GlassMagnifying Glass
Megalania SaddleMegalania Saddle 85 75
Plesiosaur Platform SaddlePlesiosaur Platform Saddle 85 50 Plesiosaur SaddlePlesiosaur Saddle
Industrial Cooker (Primitive Plus)Industrial Cooker Primitive Plus Icon 89 60 Cooking PotCooking Pot
Alchemy Table (Primitive Plus)Alchemy Table Primitive Plus Icon 90 85 Handmill (Primitive Plus)Handmill Primitive Plus Icon
Industrial Forge (Primitive Plus)Industrial Forge Primitive Plus Icon 90 90 Refining ForgeRefining Forge
Advanced Workbench (Primitive Plus)Advanced Workbench Primitive Plus Icon
Tusoteuthis SaddleTusoteuthis Saddle 91 80
Mosasaur Platform SaddleMosasaur Platform Saddle 93 80 Mosasaur SaddleMosasaur Saddle
Giganotosaurus SaddleGiganotosaurus Saddle 96 75
Titanosaur Platform SaddleTitanosaur Platform Saddle 100 120